Whitewater Self Defense helps paddlers avoid trouble and deal with unexpected problems. The emphasis is “everyday” safety and river rescue, and fundamental skills every whitewater paddler should know. Includes new and proven safety techniques, bridging the gap between basic safety techniques and hard core river rescue. River safety- the best gift!

- Swimming Whitewater with confidence
- Using Throw ropes properly
- Wading Rescues
- Mobility Tricks
- Rescue Vest use
- Complete training on Whitewater hazards
- Releasing Pinned boats
- Avoiding Entrapment
- Stabilization tag line
- Knots and advanced ropework
Contributors include Charlie Walbridge, Ellen DeCuir, Kent Ford, and over a hundred other paddlers.
We bought your Whitewater Safety DVD and found it excellent, so we are looking at other titles too. Stephanie, Ontario September 2011
Good grief! Just yesterday watched the WWSafety film…. what a great job you guys do, AND (BuT!),
I am all but unmanned. Understand: this is now my 2nd year of kayaking, plus teaching novel and film of Deliverance, and them situations you depict… and the poise with which you all move around in that kind of water….! Daunting! (Looks like it was a ball to make.) (great camera work)
-Kent H. Dixon July 2011
“Mandatory Viewing”
– National Paddling Film Festival Judges report Winner Safety/Instructional 1999
“No nonsense and informative, this is a great piece of gear”
– River Magazine
“Knowing how to avoid trouble makes any type of whitewater more fun”
– Sports Afield
“From start to finish it imparts rescue fundamentals anyone taking to the water should know. Quick pace keeps it interesting for all levels of boaters.”
– Paddler Magazine
Wanted to thank you for sending me the two DVD’s River Runner’s edge and Self Defense. Both are excellent. This summer, I had to swim a few times in rapids, couple planned, couple not so planned and after learning a few techniques from Self Defense, I had good images in my mind. As a result I was very aggressive, rolled over the eddyline and was in just in time before dropping over a ledge. Anyway, you get the picture. Thanks again.
– Mike McDonald