Best in Show National Paddling Film Festival
RRE also won Best Professional,and Best Instructional

The definitive way to learn whitewater kayaking. This energizing instructional unlocks the secrets of competent river runners: Water reading, strategies, strokes, maneuvers, and basic playboating. All are presented in a manner that demystifies and enlightens. Learn from an elite team of instructors who have crystallized the nuances that will put you in control. Novice and experienced kayakers alike will profit from this upbeat production designed to set your foundation right!
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- Kayakers Playbook pdf is a good study guide

This DVD is conveniently indexed for your entertainment and instructional benefit. Extra Bonus chapters introduce the kayak roll and whitewater kayak safety.
Paddlers agree, kayaking will change your life! If you want to paddle a kayak in whitewater, then this DVD is for you!

Written by Phil DeRiemer, Mary DeRiemer, Kent Ford Produced by: Kent Ford
I wanted to thank you and all the people involved for your videos. As a very beginner in Whitewater Kayaking i bought the rolling Video about 3 years ago and it helped me a lot to understand it. About 1.5 years ago I bought river runners edge, and from time to time I repeat and watch it. I had a short view this afternoon in the Breakthru and at first I thought, it’s that basic, But then I watched a bit further and i just love it now already. That view and love for details and your great way to explain the point, it’s great. I watched like 10 mins and already had some aha!’s such as why i loose so much power with Big round draws during the ferry. I am just starting practicing the high technique seriously and I am sure it will help me a lot! Thank you all for your work, it’s the best whitewater lesson videos I’ve found… your’s are just way deeper and the system is far more complete! Jens Plappert, Germany February, 2018
Wanted to thank you for sending me the two DVD’s River Runner’s edge and Self Defense. Both are excellent. The River Runner’s edge I have viewed more times than I can count and it really prepared me for this summer. I wanted an uptick in river reading ability and the Edge really helped me identify more readily the river features and how to find ways through more technical rapids. I felt a definite increase in skills and confidence. Thanks! Mike McDonald
I’m kind of coming into the ww kayaking scene a bit late in life, but I am absolutey, thrillingly obsessed with it. I can not thank you enough for your resourcefulness with your videos and humble, easy to understand instruction. Getting into the whitewater kayaking scene has fast become a wonderfully positive life changing event for me, and your videos are a great catalyst in it (ww kayaking) becoming my life’s purpose. I can not convey enough to you in words how beneficial your videos are for paddlers of all experience levels. Quilla Philbrick
The River Runners Edge Chapters (Over 100 minutes of tightly edited content!):
- Basics and Strokes: Balance, Sweep Family , Forward, Draw Family, Reverse
- Crossing Eddy Lines: Eddy Turn, Leaving an Eddy, Ferry, Peel Out, Carving Control, S Turns
- Water Reading: How Features Form, Friendly Rocks, Baby Pourovers, Glossary of Features
- Strategy: Route Finding, Stability, Boat Angles, Ledge Strategy, Rock Boofs, Angle Control
- Playboating moves: Surfing, Playing in holes, Bracing, Catch Air, Stern Squirt,
- Extras: Safety. Rolling, Catch Air, Stern Squirt, Rolling, Stay Healthy, Bonus Strokework
- Glossary of Water Reading Features