Based on the bestselling instructional video, the ebook is enhanced with links to online video which helps you learn, tuneup, or teach the kayak roll.
Download available in PDF formats. Future- we will have Epub format, the standard for Kindle, Ipad, and most eReaders.
- Introductory Concepts
- The Hip Snap – and why it is critical.
- Setup, Sweep, Finish! Key steps for smooth rolling.
- Finish Position. Your target through the roll.
- Shoulder Injury Prevention – Simple guidelines to keep you safe.
- The Sweep – Making it effortless.
- Bombproofing the Roll- What every paddler seeks.
- Diagnostics and Solutions- Veteran instructors share their rolling tips.
- Troubleshooting Checklist- Invaluable printable list.
- Braces- So you don’t flip in the first place.
- Roll Styles- Understanding the lingo.
- Instructors Checklist-Another invaluable printable list.
- Learning Curve – What next after mastering the kayak roll.
Teaching the kayak roll can be very challenging, every instructor needs an extensive “bag of tricks,” the e-book is an exceptional tool for instructors. This eBook is based on the video “The Kayak Roll” a proven resource for paddlers and instructors. The eBook is the perfect tool as it breaks down the skill sequentially into key kinesthetic bite sized parts. With 50 tips, tricks, hints and drills to aid the learner and instructor, pertinent photos and free key video links, this is a definitive learning resource. Sea kayakers, whitewater boaters and surf kayakers will all benefit from this inventive learning resource. Check out the diagnostics and trouble shooting section and learn the tricks the pros use to facilitate success for student boaters. Effective, innovative and cutting edge all appropriately describe this must have eTool! By Sam Folwkes ACA Instructor
5.0 out of 5 stars Take your paddling skills to a whole new level! By Kelly Gossett
If you asked most people, learning how to roll a kayak would be one of the Top 10 Mysteries of the World. The idea of rolling a kayak is so foreign to most people, that, unfortunately, they’ll put off learning to kayak their whole life. Kent Ford demystifies the Kayak Roll through simple, easy to understand instructions, quality illustrations and an emphasis on safety. You don’t have to be young, strong or flexible – nor do you need to understand the simple laws of physics that make rolling effortless. All you need to do is perform a few simple steps, in the sequence Kent outlines in this book, to develop a smooth, effortless and reliable kayak roll that works!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great resource from beginner to instructor!,by Ivan Bartha As a kayaking instructor, I have seen a lot of different methods employed to teach beginners how to roll a kayak. The Kayak Roll breaks down the actual movements into parts and pieces that someone, like myself, can use with new instructors and participants. I will use this in our winter pool sessions and try some of the techniques outlined, but I am certain it will be a great supplement to my quiver of teaching techniques. Nice work on the digital version!
5 stars An Excellent New Media Guide to an Indispensible Kayaking Skill By Steve Scarborough
Having been a certified paddling instructor for several decades I have often used Kent Ford’s instructional videos as references for students, partly because of the technical aspects of the material but mainly because it is presented in an enjoyable manner. I’ve seen any number of “How to” manuals that could bore a new paddler into changing sports. “The Kayak Roll Book” takes us through every aspect of learning this crucial skill and keeps our attention and interest by combining the teaching methods of America’s best kayak instructors with, not just photos, but also includes web based videos that let us see every part of every move in learning to roll a kayak. I found myself holding my breath as I mentally followed the roll sequences. This is the best learning tool a new kayaker can get…or an old kayaker who wants to refresh his or her technical skills before heading out on that river trip. I predict it will be a prerequisite for paddling clubs and professional kayak schools everywhere. For the developing kayaker, this is as good as it gets while getting ready to get wet, and an indispensable reference. The best ten bucks you’ll spend.
5 stars Kayak Roll: Fun and Easy By Jason Shreder
I met Kent a year ago and he is by far the best instructor and mentor I have ever met. His credibility speaks for itself on the water and his ability to make kayaking fun and easy is remarkable. I own Zoo Town Surfers, a local raft and kayak company here in Missoula, Montana and look forward to using this book not only for training but as a resource for kayak students as well. Old school or new school, this is the best book to learn how to roll your kayak and more.
5 stars Kayak Rolling Video By Tom Foster
Kent Ford has given us another great contribution to the paddling community… the step by step progressions of learning how to roll a kayak. Having taught paddling for over 50 years, in all types of craft, this concise kayak rolling lesson is made to order for both the beginner and experienced paddler. There is an old saying that goes like this…” If you know how to paddle, you don’t have to brace…if you know how to brace, you don’t have to roll…if you know how to roll, you don’t have to swim. Who wants to swim? Nobody! So it behoves any kayak paddler to master the eskimo roll technique presented in this well thought out video. Watch it many times and master the technique on calm water before attenpting to use it on the river.
5 stars Many options available and easy to follow By Rafael Gallo
Another great product by Kent Ford , with a most amazing team Mary, Phil, and Dan, you guys make this an easy and friendly way of learning how to roll . Plus all the diferent options are there , I wish this had been out in the late 70″s when I learned to roll, it has even helped refresh my teaching technique… as a long time whitewater outfitter, kayak instructor, kayak coach , and President of the International Rafting Federation , I would recomend this book to the many first time paddlers as well as top instructors …