Runner-up, Professional Category, Lexington Whitewater Film Festival

Inspiring instructional video packed with information for open canoeists. Basic strokework is carefully presented. Advanced stroke techniques, as well as bracing and rolling are demonstrated and explained. World Champion Kent Ford unlocks the secrets of fun surfing and easy playing. Features many great paddlers on the American, Ocoee, Gauley and Nantahala Rivers.

“Outstanding tutorial, presented in a way guaranteed to have you heading for the river…even newcomers to the sport will get an education. At a minimum they’ll get inspired.”
– Dave Harrison, Editor in Chief, Canoe Magazine
“Entertaining…super job of presenting technical points. Nicely paced…fun to watch.”
– Charlie Walbridge, Wildwater Designs
“Every intermediate who wants to improve their skills should watch this tape. Highly informative and energetic approach to advanced boating technique.”
– Bob Foote, Foote products
“…cannot fail but be useful and interesting for all canoeing enthusiasts, even the armchair paddle-boater who might never have ventured into whitewater action..highly recommended”
– Video Rating Guide for Libraries
“an expose of sorts”
– Harold Deal
“Good camera-work and solid instruction make Solo Playboating! a winner. Highly recommended.”
– Video Librarian
“…singsong narration accompanies overhead and wide angle shots clearly capturing enthusiast navigating scenic whitewater rivers…nicely organized instructional tape'”
– Booklist