WHY FREE DOWNLOADS? I get great pleasure from having people enjoy our videos. Each one represents nearly a year of my work, and still provides the best instruction available. I anguish when I see people flailing with poor instruction and a lack of instructional materials. Our new system will incentivize you to enjoy more of our titles, and help sell through our remaining DVDs.
Distribution of my films and content will lead to more teaching, which is my most favorite thing to do.
So if you like these films, please spread the word and tell your friends or send us a note!
Please let us know of any problems! We have recently changed our order process, so appreciate any feedback on problems you encounter. This email goes directly to Kent Ford.
Email– please send to this address:
info2020 (at the site) performancevideo.com
Performance Video and Instruction
550 Riverbend
Durango, CO 81301 USA
Phone in the US: 970.259.one three six one
Apologies, but this is a tiny office, and we frequently are out teaching or having adventures. Most inquiries or orders will get their fastest response by email as we often handle those during unusual hours.
Kent’s personal cell number is (in USA) 970-259-one three six one (same as office phone)
Format Differences: DVDs sold by Performance Video do not use regional codes, so they will play on any player in any country. DVD Format is sold like a DVD in a store, with a plastic case. DVD Paper Sleeve is the system used for any orders outside USA. Same DVD disc content, but no plastic box or shrinkwrap. Ecofriendlier. Books: Overused or damaged books will be replaced free of charge.
Apple Ipads and some other tablets In short you must download it to iTunes on a desktop then transfer to the iPad/tablet. This is how iPad handles almost all movies, not just ours. Here is a customer report: “I was able to download the videos to my laptop (an old iBook), where they went into the movies folder of the iTunes app automatically. I was then able to transfer them to the iPad by syncing (via iTunes) the iPad to the iBook using the iPad’s USB cable. The videos now appear in the standard iPad Videos app.”
Public Performance Rights by written permission only.