Welcome to the Performance Video eSchool. Fine tune your skills!
Mountain Biking- Learn how to accelerate, ride switchbacks, release your cleats easily, and more!
Kayak Roll Tips- This is a small sample of what is available from our ebook on The Kayak Roll.
- Roll Instructor Tips Part One
- Roll Instructor Tips Part Two
- Kayak Roll Instructor Tips Part Three
- Focus for Rolling a Kayak
- Bombproofing your Roll
- C to C Roll
- Sweep Roll
- Pick your Roll Style
- Head Down!
- T rescues
Whitewater Kayaking!: This collection of articles includes river reading and basic safety. One entire section focuses on how to Breakthru to the next level with drills for forward paddling and boat control paddling technique for intermediate and advanced paddlers.
- Whitewater Kayaking eSchool
- Reading the River
- Reading Water Concepts
- Reading Water Scan the Road Ahead
- Words of Wisdom to Avoid
- If you Swim
- Help your Buddy
- Whitewater Safety
- Swimming Whitewater
- River Hazards
- The Bad Holes
- Whitewater Rating System
- Whitewater Edging
- Sidesurfing
- Accelerating Stroke
- Boat Control Strokes
- Secret Breakthroughs in kayak strokes
- Spin Control
- Carving Control
- Pick your Sweep
- Sweep Style Debate
- Catch the Eddy
- Ferry for Control and Fun
- Surfing
Sea Kayaking & Ocean Surf Kayaking: This collection of articles for the sea kayaker features the best forward stroke, surfing, self rescue, & rolling tips!
- Buying a Kayak
- Get the Gear
- Fit Your Boat
- Prerequisites
- First Strokes
- Going Forward
- Forward Strokes
- Heres the Catch
- Glide
- Punch or Pull?
- Finesse
- Capsize Recovery
- Fitness for Paddling
- Shoulder Dislocations in Kayaking
- Shoulder Maintenance for Kayakers
- Bracing
- Paddle Reverse

Drill Time for Canoeing: Learn how to accelerate with ease, develop finesse, roll a solo boat, and more!