Learn to accelerate with amazing speed and precision, carve to eliminate correction strokes that slow the boat, and lock onto surf waves for long rides every time! Drills are the foundation for improving in any sport,and canoeing is no exception. Knowing what to practice and how all adds up to more fun on the river! Highly entertaining footage of recreational playboating, rodeo, slalom, and an award winning freestyle performance round out Drill Time!
Features instruction by:
- Bob Foote Adventure Guide & Instructor
- Wayne Dickert 1996 Olympic Team, NOC Instructor
- Karen Knight Freestyle National Champion
- Kent Ford World Champion, ACA Instructor Trainer
“Production values are excellent, with clear shots and useful graphics make this a very worthwhile product”
– Canoe & Kayak Magazine
“OUTSTANDING–absolutely the best of its type I’ve seen. This may be the most useful instructional tool available. The moves are clear, easy-to-follow and non-intimidating.”
– Cliff Jacobson, Outdoor Writer & Wilderness Canoe Guide
“Exceptionally Useful…Super Bowl advertisements could learn from your video.”
– Instructor Jim Simmons