Classes with Kent Ford

I really enjoy teaching paddling, and good thing, as demand for my classes is higher than ever.  I do teach beginner and intermediate programs on occaision.  However, my skills are probably best suited for providing intermediate and advanced training.  As a past US teach coach and Olympic announcer I have a better than average understanding of what makes a great paddler and how to convey that information.

One great way to develop your whitewater skills is through my Instructor Development and Certification programs.  While part of these are dedicated to teaching, a huge chunk of the program is designed to help you understand a framework of what makes a good paddler.  This conceptual framework leads to a quicker learning curve, even if you don’t plan to go on as a paddling instructor.

I offer these programs nationally, and will be happy to custom design one for your group.  On occaision I will teach paddler improvement classes at distant locations.  Other than my ACA certification programs, I do most of my teaching here at home in the Durango Colorado area.

Another option that I can offer is online training and critique programs.  This is done with video, so I can offer specific feedback for your issues.  Let me know if you are interested in this alternative.  (Use the contact link above)

For my full bio, see

 Heather Herbeck posted:  “Hey Kent –
Just wanted to say “hi”! Just finished up assisting in an ACA course in Port Angeles, WA and wanted you to know the inspiration, motivation and stoke that you have instilled in many paddlers. One in particular, has his heart and soul dedicated to paddling and it’s mostly because of you 🙂